Friday, February 19, 2010

Critical study of Indian Culture

New point.
Critical study of Indian culture its strength and weakmnesses
1] Ancient culture
As a strength: Ancient culture affected the present culture si that people still believe in the law of karma , Upanishadas , Vedas, Scriptures which has been become inspirational forces for all .People still believe in ultimate aim self actualization and monuments .They are living with Ayurveda, yoga and meditation etc. .Which lead upliftment in their lives .The literature of ancient time has not been completely read so people are reading and follow in their lives which become strength for them.
As a weaknesses
Due to the influences of ancient culture people still believe in culture, system religion and orthodox traditions which affect the structure of the society. Thereby there is a clash between new generations to new generation. So, we can find partition ion one family and increased number of old houses. Due to caste system lower class. People are exploited and they live devoid of equality and justice.
2] Unity:
As a strength
Unity is a real strength of Indian culture. All live together with peace and harmony. NO doubt there are explosion communal riots but still Hindu, Muslim, Christian and others live together with a sense of indianness. They inculcate values together such as tolerance acceptance of different opinions fraternity etc..So different cultures and religious people has been living together. Democratic set up of Indian culture in diversity and people believe in equality, fraternity freedom- pillars of democracy.
As a weaknesses
Due to unity, people has been suffering from discrimination in terms of religion, caste and creed. They have been facing inequality, imbalance and exploitation. Owing to unity for selfish motives we can find communal riots and political leaders take advantages of it. Due to unity, in Indian culture none of ready to take initiative all are throwing responsibilities in another shoulders. So the problems of injustice and exploitation still have not been solved.
3] Flexible, easily influenced culture
As a strength
Due to flexible and easily influenced culture people has been living in multi-cultures society and for them world is a family. They inculcate different values including acceptance of different opinions, tolerance, love, fraternity flexibility of culture maintain link between different cultures societies. There is not strict rules and regulation so people feel free too live and they can easily influenced culture people can bring change in their tradition and way if lives so that their culture is modified
As a weaknesses
Because of easily influenced flexible culture people are affected by different culture so their lives style would be changed which creates clash in their family. Owing to flexibility of culture we easily identify today’s problem westernization and its impact on our culture. People are now living materialistic life. We easily identify the eroism of value in Indian culture.
4] Multi cultures and multilingual culture
As a strength
Because of multicultures and multilingual culture all has been living together with peace and harmony multilingual of culture keep a link between different cultures societies and it creates a sense of world as a family. Indians can easily interact with others which affects their social, economical, political situation thereby we can find the upliftment of Indian culture.
As a weaknesses
Multi- linguality is not perceived in the true sense because we can find the problem in communication eg youth Indian has not been accepting Hindi as their national language. In some villages people do not understand English well. And because of multi lingualty ethnic clashes has been observed in many societies, which directly affect political system of nation.
5] Democracy
As a strength
In Indian culture because of giving equal opportunities and freedom people willingly accepted India as their own country. In democratic set up an individual develops as well as a whole nation as develops. The democratic nature of Indian culture brought so many changes in rules and regulation in way of life style in culture itself etc.. And any individual can bring change in social and political and religious system. Eg our social reformers like Raja Ram Mohanray who changed sati -pratha and gave respected place to women.
As a weaknesses
Because of democracy we have found conflict and communal riots in societies wherein layman suffers as seap goal where as others easily save their lives. In democratic set-up nobody is ready to take initiative or nobody care fro others sometimes so we can find shifting from responsibilities in different societies wherein layman suffered a lot these hinder the progress of nation.
6] Negligence of material life
As a weaknesses
Now –a days in the world of science and technology everyone should accept material life otherwise they who do not accept it will log behind and keep standing on their place as they were. Today change becomes the law of life so all should keep pace with such changes and in the rapid changing world individual growth becomes very significant, No doubt, there must be spiritual fragrance in our lives but we should not forget our situations in the present era where everything is needed if you want to live peacefully. Some people have been believing in simple life style but in the world of drastic change we can not live simply. Eg computer becomes very essential now a day. In the future, if one will not connect with internet than his life will be miserable in terms of earning and learning.
7 Ecological Balance
As a weaknesses
Due to having blind faith, superstitions and ritualistic life style people do not accept ecological balance that means the balance between the relationship of plants and living creatures to each other and to their environment. In other words we can say owing to blind faith, superstitions people become lazy and contented of their lives. They don’t want change such inertia is ob served in accepting science and so they have been living in the same way.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Educational philosophy of Mahatma Gandhiji

Unit-2 Eductional thinker mahatma Gandhiji

When we talk about Gandhiji, automatically certain ideals come to our mind i.e. truth, nonviolence, simplicity, love for all, leadership, dignity of labour and implementation or practicising ideas rather than just propagating them. These ideals or qualities reflected to educational philosophy of Gandhiji.
• Definition:-
“By education I mean all-around drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit. Literacy according to him is neither the end of education nor even the beginning. It is one of the means whereby man and woman can be educated. Literacy in itself is not education.”

Gandhiji emphasized certain ideals, practical work and the potentiality of students in education. It is education through which we can find out the potential of the students and teach them certain ideals which will help them to be a good citizen and through practical activities students will be in a position to think practically and they will be attentive and active, this will help them to mould their character. Thus Gadhian education has been characterized as encompassing the head, the heart and the hands that means the all-around development of child. According to him education is that which draws out and stimulates the spiritual, intellectual and physical faculties of children. Thus Gandhiji’s purpose of education is to raise man to a higher order through full development of the individual and the evolution of a “new man.”

• Aims of Education :-

1. Bread and Butter aim:
Bread and Butter aim refers to utilitarian aim which is an immediate requirement. Gandhiji focused on education that provides learning while learning. This has to be a tool with each and every learner. s/he can remove unemployment keeping in mind the poverty and unemployment of India. Gandhiji focused and suggested industrial training and development of manual skills and handicraft as subject of education which will give satisfaction to the educand of his earning and self reliance but also it will be proved as a support to his/her family and nation at large.

2. Cultural Aim:-
According to Gandhiji cultural aspect of education is more important than the literacy. Culture is the foundation, the primary thing which the girls ought to get from here. It should show in the smallest detail of your conduct and personal behavior, how to sit , how to walk, how to dress etc. it is the education through which students or everyone learn the glorious culture of the country-India, its incredible arts, religions and so on. Education is the device which makes them familiar with our great culture and it is to be taught that how do they adopt and what is the importance of value of our culture. Thus Gandhiji laid much emphasis on cultural aim of education and recommended that Gita and Ramayana to be taught as a means of introducing students to their rich cultural and spiritual heritage.

3. Harmonious development:-
Education should develop all the three levels i. e. 3RS- read, write and arithmetic. The education should help in feeling what is taught and what happens to him and to express, what he feels and also what he wants to do. So all the faculties of person should be developed. Writing and reading will make him literate and arithmetic will help in calculating day-to-day expenses and more importantly it will help in logical thinking and analyzing things.

4. Moral Aim:-
Education should make person aware of what is right & wrong. It inculcates in us values and manners and moulds our character. Gandhiji focused more on character building than on literacy. According to him development of personality was more significant than accumulation of intellectual tools and academic knowledge. And we also believed that an educand should be taught non-violence, truth, and importance of thoughts, word and deed.

5. Social and individual Aim:-
The aim of education of Gandhiji is both social and individual. He wanted individual perfection and a new social order based on “Truth” & “Non-violence”. Education trains an individual and makes him an ideal citizen who will help his nation. An individual learns so many things from surrounding, culture, society and so on and he progresses simultaneously society progresses because the individuals’ growth is nothing but the growth of the society and nation.

6. Ultimate Aim:-
Self-realization is the ultimate aim of life as well as of education. Through education everyone understands about themselves and get answer of the universal question who am I? It is the education which helps them to understand their existence and its purpose. It is the spiritual education which provides knowledge of God and self-realization. The individuals recognize their potentials or abilities and prove them as ideal citizens of their nation via education. It is the education which makes them familiar with spirituality and different religious and finally every individual realize what they are? This is the self-realization- the ultimate aim of education. In the words of Gandhiji- “true education should result not in material power but in spiritual force. It must strengthen man’s faith in God and not awaken It.” he further adds “Development of the whole-all were directed towards the realization of the ultimate reality –the merger of the finite being in to infinite.”

• Features of Basic Education:

• Free and compulsory Education:-
Gandhiji advocated free and compulsory education for all because within the age of group 7 to 14 everyone enables to read, write, and count the basic expenses or sums. If the education is not free and compulsory then students who are coming from poor families remain illiterate who will be the future of India. He wanted to combine the primary with secondary education and called: it “English less Matriculation”

• The curriculum:-
According to Gandhiji curriculum of the basic education should be consisted of the craft, the mother tongue of the students, social studies, natural science and music. He introduced the following subjects:-

1. The craft:
Gandhiji believed in the utilization of swadeshi things so the Basic National Education aimed at providing education through the medium of craft or productive work. The basic craft which may be agriculture or spinning and weaing or card board, wood and metal work, gardening, leather work etc. His curriculum was activity centered which should transform the schools in to “place of work, experimentation and discovery.”

2. Mother Tongue:-
Gandhiji emphasized the mother tongue to be the medium of instruction. Mother tongue would enable the children to express themselves effectively and clearly. If a student/child learns through mother tongue then he can easily learn ethical and moral values and importance of national heritage. According to him if English is to be taught as medium of instruction then it hinders the development of understanding and clarity of thoughts/ideas.

3. Subjects:-
Gandhiji emphasized mathematics, social studies, general science including nature study botany, zoology, chemistry, astronomy, hygiene, physical culture and knowledge of stars. According to him mathematics helps the students to solve the numerical and geometrical problems connected with craft and community life and in teaching of mathematics emphasis were laid on practical measuring and field work. Teaching of mathematics helped the students to develop their reasoning capacities.
Social studies was a combination of some subjects like History, Geography, Civics and Economics. It was introduced to enable the students to understand and appreciate their own culture and also to understand nature and function of family state and the nation and their inter-relationship.
General science is necessary from the point of view of knowing our health, hygiene and also to think logically the cause and effect relationship. It gives students an intelligent and appreciate outlook on nature. It forms in the students the habit of accurate observation and of testing experience by experiment. Domestic science was initially for both boys and girls but how it is limited to girls only. It is necessary to learn about how to manage house and its expense.
Drawing and music were included in the curriculum to develop creativity in boys and girls. Drawing has its importance at three levels, it develops expression skill through drawing, it touches to imaginative faculty of mind and also focuses on aesthetic sense to appreciate art at both level- artist’s and interpreter’s level.
Basic curriculum includes three things:
1. Physical environment i.e. seen and felt which compresses biology, botany, zoology, geography and astrology.
2. Child’s social environment which contain his interaction with society- his work as individual and as a member of society.
3. The child’s craft work which helps in knowing craft- how to weave, learning to do something which lead to productivity.

• Basic Education:

1. Free and Compulsory Education:-
Gandhiji regarding basic education or bunyadi talim, has given his views that education is i.e. elementary education should be free of charge and all should get educated so that they can do minute calculations of daily life expense, read and write. This is necessary because this will make a person live independently.

2. Mother tongue as a medium of education:-
Gandhiji emphasized the mother tongue to be the medium of instruction. Mother tongue would enable the children to express themselves effectively and clearly. If a student/child learns through mother tongue then he can easily learn ethical and moral values and importance of national heritage. According to him if English is to be taught as medium of instruction then it hinders the development of understanding and clarity of thoughts/ideas.

3. Craft centeredness:-
Learners should get exposure to learn skills and craft like knitting, weaving, agricultural activities, cooking which make them self-dependent because they will not only earn on their own but also develop three domains:-
1. Physical Domain – by doing physical work like agriculture which will give good physical exercise.
2. Psycho-motor Domain- by developing social skills- how to behave, how to work in groups; how to co-ordinate.
3. Cognitive Domain- by developing thinking skill, analyzing, estimating- what would be the expense to prepare craft and how much material will be required.
Gandhiji also suggested there should be any inferiority or superiority regarding work. We should do every work/everything with the thinking that those works are mine and they have value whether it is sweeping or working in an office.

4. Self-sufficiency:-
Basic education should provide such training that one can realize that immediate aim- earning- after or during basic education. Earning for one’s own self and satisfying one’s needs.

5. Co-related teaching:-
Gandhiji considered knowledge as a whole that is each and every subject interrelated. While doing craft work, it requires economical skills to buy material and to keep estimate how much it would require. It will also require mathematical skills to calculate the earnings and so on. As the subject should be taught which will lead to all-round development, students should develop love for subjects to learn them.

6. Non-violence:-
One of the aims of basic education is to prepare ideal and responsible citizen who will develop virtues like non-violence so that they are not attracted by violence and other anti-social activities. If each would try to inculcate this value then there will be peace and harmony among the citizen of India. There will not disagreement and it will good understanding with each other.

7. Ideal citizen:-
Education makes man to think from broader and ideal perceptive therefore Gandhiji focused on preparing ideal citizens of the nation who are responsible and sensible to nation, duties and rights. Education of civics will give them civic sense- rights and duties to the nation, how government works and it exist. History will make them aware of golden days as well as of the bravery of the nation, heroes who fought for the freedom of India which will lift their nationalistic feeling.

• Basic education and the Teacher:

The teacher has higher responsibilities. He has to develop values among the learners. The teacher should follow morality. There should not be any dark patch on his character because he is role model for many students. Gandhiji says-“education of the heart could only be done through the living touch of the teacher.” Education becomes effective and faithful only to the extent to which there is personal touch between the teacher and the taught. It will be very difficult to achieve character building in the absence of devotion to the teacher. He should have devotion to duty, to the students and to God. He is to play the role of a mother. An ideal teacher in Gandhiji’s word is the “mother teacher.” He says I used the word “mother teacher” because the teacher must really be a mother of children.

• Gandhiji as an idealist:-
Gandhiji had very high ideals that he followed ideals like simplicity, truthfulness, non violence. He had not only there principles in mind but also plasticized them in his life.

• Gandhiji as a pragmatist:-
Pragmatist is one who solves problem in a realistic way. Gandhiji believed that the best way to learn is by doing and it is believed that when you learn by doing you remember 90% and it leads to knowledge. Pragmaticism is the hallmark of Gandhian philosophy.

• Gandhiji as a naturalist:-
He believed that Nature is the best source of knowledge.

Characteirstics of indian culture

New point : characteristics of Indian culture

1] Ancient culture:
Indian culture is an ancient culture. In the present ultra modern world we still find the ancient root ness of Indian culture. In the ancient era, there were highly respectful people living together. Sanskrit literature is the witness our Indian culture. People were lived in joint family. In the education system there was guru – shishya -parampara , agrarian socio economic structure of the society, caste marriage, the ultimate aim of all was self realization etc…influenced every era of Indian society as satya yug has been affected kalyug. The rules and regulation of ancient society, social beliefs, superstitions, family structure, spirituality etc..We can find in the present world up to some extent. The present world is affected by the ancient culture that means our culture is based on past culture. No doubt because of modern science, influence of different countries today we are living something different than the previous but everything of our Indian society. Do not change still we can find in some families people are sit together , eat together and under one roof , the aim of self realization is there , marriage takes place in caste , students have respect for their teachers, and so they choose them as their role models etc..this suggest the influence of Ancient Indian culture.
2] Indian culture is diverse in nature.
We can find diversity in every aspects of Indian society is that the slogan Unity in diversity is given to Indian society. There has been different societies, different caste, system, languages, cultures, religions observed in our Indian society.
Therefore we can say that Indian society is an ambivalent culture which consists of multi religious, multi cultural, multi lilngual people.
3] Indian culture is easily influenced culture
As we know ancient Vedas, shastra, upanishadas, scriptures influenced our present world. Although indian society is multi cultural and multi religious. People are living together with peace and harmony .Indian culture is easily influenced by all the religions and different culture of the nations. eg. It is easily influenced by the Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Buddhism etc.. and each religion has its own philosophy though all are living together with as sense of Indianness. Today the impact of westernization some what change. You can see in Indian culture but it does not loose it essence.
4] Indian culture is philosophical in terms of ancient literature of Vedas, scriptures, Upanishads etc.. People still believe in law of karma. The ultimate aim of self realization. They also believe in metaphysics, Epistemology and Axiology. The main three pillars of philosophy. So Indian culture is philosophical which has been researched by foreigners.
5] Democratic Indian culture
Indian culture still gives importance to individual’s development and his freedom so that freedom and full development of all individuals are valued most. One and all are allowed full opportunities to develop their individuality to the fullest extent. For this each individual s provided education according to his needs, nature, and requirements. Nothing is forced from outside and nothing is imposed by virtue of any authority. Thus Indian society strongly believes in equality, fraternity, liberty and justice. These are the four pillars of democracy. All are promoted the sense of participation of various levels. To sum up democracy and secularism are the two main characteristics of Indian society.
6] Inclusive Indian culture
Indian culture is an inclusive culture wherein a wide range of people things, ideas etc..are included. That means Indian culture is an amalgam of almost 2 states .Each one has its own importance. They are varied in terms of language and culture of people .Thus, Indian culture is inclusive Indian culture.

Culture definitions,types and characteristics of culture

• Culture
1 “Culture implies man’s moral ,spiritual and intellectual achievements”
- Sorokin and Maciver
 Explanation:-Here they define culture as an amalgam of man’s moral, spiritual and intellectual behavior as well as their achievements.

2. ‘Culture is that complex whole that consists of everything we think, do and have as members of society”
- Bierstedt
 Explanation: Bierstedt is of the opinion that culture is nothing but what we think, do as members of society that means what we think and do as social beings, it becomes culture.
3. “culture is the expression of our nature in our mode of living and thinking in our everyday intercourse in art, in literature, in religion, in reactions and enjoyments”
- Maciver
 Explanation: According to maciver culture is the way of life which consists of the customs and beliefs, art ,way of life and social organization of particular country or group. It is reflection such things through which we can identify the culture of any group.
4. “Culture is the foundation, the primary thing. It should show itself in smallest detail of your conduct and personal behavior”
- Gandhiji
 Explanation: Gandhiji considers culture as the primary thing which present minor detail of our conduct and personal behavior that means it identifies our way of life in a broader sense.

5.“Culture is the widening of the mind and the spirit”
- Jawaharlal Nehru
 Explanation:- In the words of Nehruji culture presents the thinking and philosophy of people. In a broder sense culture depends on people’s way of thinking and their behavior. Here the word ‘spirit’ suggests that the valuable culture of Indian society self –actualization which express through culture of Indian society likewise every country or nation has particular culture which reveals the way of thinking of people and their interaction with won soul.

 Kinds/ types of culture
 Culture is classified on the basis of the subject and contents that means there are mainly two classification.
 1 subject-based classification
 2 Content-based classification
 1 subject-based classification
 Individual culture
 Communal culture
 National culture
 World culture
 2 Content-based classification
 Material culture
 Non-material culture
Characteristics of culture

The following are the characteristics of culture
1] Acquired traits
Culture is the sum total of acquired qualities /characteristics traits].The new born baby is devoid of any traits. As he grows older, he acquires different ideals, attitudes and values by imitation and social contracts. These experiences contribute to the formation of his personal culture.
2] Distinct entity
A thing which exists independently
Different societies of the world have their mown distinct/definite cultural patterns which establish the different identifies of different nations. And culture is nothing but the expression of distinct cultural patterns of societies.
3] Transmission
Cultural traits and patterns are transmitted from generation to generation. Every generation is free to modify the cultural heritage and then transmits it to the next generation. Thus culture is affected by the trends which appear from time to time according to different circumstances and conditions. In short, transmission is a continuing process.
4] Utility
A culture is good if it has some utility to the individual as well as to the society. Individual adopt different opinions ideas, way of life from different culture with which they are living.
Every individual has his own way of thinking as snobs which directly affect their culture. Thus people modify their culture and then transmit it top the next generation. They accept culture of different people such as happen in our Indian society. This vitality and welcoming attitude can promote the development of world culture which leads to the international brotherhood. This is the utility of culture.
5] Dynamism
Culture is not static but dynamic In other words, it changes and growsDue to rapid rise in the means of transport and communication a culture invades the other culture. It penetrates , inter penetrates, changes and grows. That is why, our modern Indian culture is not that old culture which guided the nation of the world in the past.On ecan notice the fast changing pattern of our cultural beliefe, ideals, values,modes of thinking and behavior.Thew different culture of the world are interacting among themselves and thus a synthesis of culture is going on in this modern world. So, culture is abstract, indefinite in terms of the components values, behavior tradition and kife styles. Etc….
New point
Diference between culture and civilization
Civilization is a term which includes a society, its culture and its way of life during a particular period of time or in a particular part of the world. It is broader than culture .Culture is the combination of way of life, custom and beliefs, art and social organization of a particular group. Culture is a part of civilization .IT is a narrow term.

Education for change

Unit – 4, F

Education for social change

We know the necessity of education in the present modern World .Due to modern science new researchers and techniques, revolutionary changes are ocuuring in all fields of human activities. Education imparts the knowledge of these latest developments to the individuals and provides adequate inspiration for their use in which I n turn bring about the creation of new ideals values and goals which society gradually adopts. So education is for social change According to Ottaway- “Education brings about social changes of very important nature.”
We can justify education for social change on the basis of following reasons.
1] Need/demand of the hour
In the present swift changing World an individual must be educated individual only then and then he can cop up with the step changes occurring in the present world. Due to researches ,new invention and technology today our lives are full fledged with challenges and in order to face challenges occurring in the World of science and technology have been bringing changes in our day to day lives and only education can help us top live with the arrival of challenges in our lives. It is the education through which we can update or develop ourselves. So education is the need of the hour.
2] Requirement of training
In order to bring awareness in oneself one must have training or practice which is only provided by Education. Education trains an educand and prepares him a tough trainee on the basis of which he can cop-up with the challenges inherent in life. Through training one can develop him. And as we know Education is for all around development of a child so that he can develop his cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills, and live peacefully with honour. Eduction provides training / practice to an individual and makes him who brings change, transforms change one generation to other generations. So, in a way education brings social change by giving training to n individual.
3] Identifying changes /problems
In order to understand or identify the nature of social change or any problem existed in one’s life, one must educate himself. Through education he can decide the nature of social change what is right and wrong? Or he can analyze social change .So education must needed in the world of science and technology to develop identify changes occurring in the present world and problems as well.
4] Change of life style/value system
Everyone has a particular life style and value system but if he lives on the basis o ftraditional culture and way of thinking he may fail to face th echallanges occurring in the world.So he has to change nis life style and value system and for him he must educate himself or he has top take education because education is a system which makes an individual aware about his goal/aim and how can he reach to his goal. So education provides an exposure to an individual to flourish and he can redefine changes which exist in life.
5] Creating balanced individual and society
Due to modern swift changes, one must be balanced individual in balanced society. There is only a source which invests balanced individual Education makes an individual a productive citizen and balanced social beings that brings social change.
6] Equipping the individual for facing the challenges
With the help of education an educand develops himself.He can empower himself with deffferent values, way of thinking and new perception only through education and only then and then he can keep pace with challenges or changes occruing in the present In order to be computer literate. One must take computer education and than he can make his life as faster as computer.
Above all reasons are depend on education and thare are the reasons derived from present modern social change.Hence , education is a means to continuity as well as to change and progress.On the one hand . it is influenced by social changes but on the other it must keep a level amid chaos and guide future emancipation.

Education as an agent, catalyst

Unit 4 E Education as a change agent/catalyst

Education as co-operative force in social change or as a tool or as a catalyst or as an agent for social change.

Educatioon plays very important roles to bring social change in society /nation. It plays different kinds of roles such as an co-operative force in social change, as an agent of social change in society and as a tool of social change. Let’s discuss the functions of education in the sphere of social change which are as follows

1] Assistance in adopting social change

We all familiar with the process of teaching and learning ie.. Education which makes aware an educand about occurring social changes. It helps an educand to know which are the social changes are fruitful for him and which are detrimental that means education brings awreness in society. It educates people all about everything and prepares everybody as social beings and this helps them to adopt social changes in their society.

It is the aim of education to make all good changes easily accessible to every person. In India, a large majority pf people found it difficult to reconcile themselves to the changes that occurred in the institutions of family and marriage, but the educated majority soon realized the advantages of there changes. Later on as education spread to other sections of society, the importance and value of these changes come to be recognized more universally. Hence it is now generally accepted that before bringing about any social change in society, it is necessary to create a receptive temper of mind among the people. Thus education plays a supportive role to adopt social changes.
2] Overcoming resistance to change

Due to orthodox nature, blind faith and prejudices people resists changes in society or community. eg. Many societies have have been living the same way and they have the same dowry system in marriage institution, different kinds of rigid sanskaras which resist them to live freely and stop their development or to change their culture because they believe in what their fore father said. Education abolishes such orthodoxy, rigidness in the society. Through the medium of Education, the importance of social change is convincingly explained to the people so that they overcome such résistance to change and thus they remove orthodoxy, rigidness lied in the society.

3] Analysis of change
Progress occurs only when the change leads the society to more desirable social values/ and for this analysis and criticism of social change is essential. Only the educated individual can make valid criticism and offer constructive suggestions, because it is education which invest the individual with the capacity to use his intelligence to distinguish between right and wrong and to establish certain ideals .Education determines the values which act as a criterion for the analysis of social change and desirable social changes encourage .In every society, this is achieved only through the effects

4] Emergence of new change
As we know education educates an individual to face the challenges in his life as well as he is acquainted with the social change occurred in the society. So he will be able to change traditional way of life style ,blind faith ,prejudices among different kinds of people. So an educand brings new changes in the society. eg. the status of women in Indian society The abolition of many social evils sucgh as child marriage, unequal rights of women etc….Only educated people can change the public opinion. Hence it is the educated classs in every society which initiates, guides and controls movements for social reforms emerges new changes in the society.

5] Transmission of culture
Through its function of transmission of national culture from generation to generation as a continuous process, education tends stability and continuity to the society. Not only this, education prepares society to as adopt needed and desirable social reforms. In this sense education is the creator generator and director of all social changes. In short education is a conservative consolidating and stabilizing force and in addition it is a creative force as well.

6] Advances in the sphere of knowledge
New researches and inventions all depend upon education, because only the educated individual can search for new things in every sphere. Only such people can help in the progress of non –material culture. Fresh discoveries in the sphere of the knowledge provide the right basis for criticism of society. Then the need for change becomes apparent .Thus education contributes to social change by bringing changes in the knowledge.

7] Leadership in social change
Education creates a consciousness of social change as well as it teaches people all to distinguish between the good and the bad and thus education develops all the qualities of a leader in everybody. Education makes an individual an initiative to cop up with changes occur in society and develops himself from all the corners/angles so that he brings social change.
These are the functions of education in the sphere of social change through which we can decide the nature of education defective education leads to defective social changes so education is a tool of social changes. It is an agent of social changes it brings social changes so it is a catalyst tool, who create future generation of critics of change and leader of reform.

Factors responsible for social change

Factors responsible for social change
Social changes are caused by several factors including war, flood. Earthquake, population, education environment man himself etc.Following are the factors which describes how they influence social change
1] Demographic factors
Due to natural calamities ,war ,diseases and environmental changes we can find imbalance ratio of males and females in population which directly affect social changes because if the ratio of males and females is changed then many males and females will remain this change changes social structure therefore we can find the expansion in crimes and change in people’s life .eg large numbers of young male soldiers died in Europe during World war 2 so the number of girls and women increased over the existing numbers of males and this lead to moral deterioration and sexual permissiveness throught the Europe. Another example is the current raio of males and females in India which affect our society. And this unbalanced ratio also affects the economic factor of the nation. Because of climatic changes we can also find imbalance in the ratio of males and females which definitely affect social changes occur in the present society.
2] Political factors
Society is based on rules and regulations ,customs which are built or prepared by govt. so politics affects the made of different kinds of people who are educated or uneducated but the ultimate aim o f them as upliftment of society. So these political leaders are products of society. As any political party or person change something in state or contributes in changing in something in society which definitely brings a social The impact of World War-2, Rule of Nazi dictator Hitler in germany , partitions of India in 1947 have brought about several social changes in the respective societies. So, we can also say that man himself brings social change because he is a social being or a part of society. And in a way education plays an important role behind an individual and politics and it also brings social changes.
3] Economic Factors
As the condition of an individual affects the society the same as everybody’s economy affect challenges. The stratification of people in different class moulds the nature of society and as per their educational qualification they live together behave and they make them socially aware and earn money which help society the same as their economy influences social changes including changes in their way of living ,way of interaction ,culture ,routine life, languages etcThe best example is the emergence of English in middle class society. People’s invention, discoveries and their migration lead changes in economy likewise they bring social change in society. Like poverty, the gren revolution and large amount of money earned by Indians from abroad certainly bring a lot of social change in their behavior, relations, spending patterns, intuitions and outlook of the world.
4] Industrial factors
Like establishment of industrial township ,urbanization and trade unionism are responsible for several kinds of social changes the lives of people concerned we can find the impact of liberalization ,privatization and globalization after the establishment of industrialization in most of the countries in the world and such factors influences the economy of the country which lead change in per capita income and all these affect social changes.
5] Scientific Technological Inventions and Discoveries
As we know the impact of scientific technological inventions and discoveries in the societies. Today in the world of technology none of us live without using mobiles, phones, computers, electricity, radio, t.v, etc…
And these inventions and discoveries have completely changed our style of living , modes of thinking social relations and even morals. Behind these inventions and discoverious, human beings intellect, creativity and their aspiration play very significant role so we can say men’ desire of striving for excellence, creativity, education bring social changes. such scientific development leads social changes.
6] Social and cultural factors
Every individuals culture, social beliefs, value system, social rules and regulations etc. lead social fashions ,womens’sliberation movement and satyagrahas definetly cause lot immense of social change in diverse directions.
According to prof. premnath following are the factors responsible for social changes
1] Geographical factors – natural disaster – migration of people
2] Environmental factor
3] Population demographic factor
4] War
5] Psychological sociological factors - man , Education, , striving for excellence ,creativity
6] Technological factors – inventions, Discoveries
7] Ideological factors culture, man
8] Economic factors
9] Biological factors – man

Technological factors

The technological sfactors have immense influence in social change.
The form of society is undergoing change as a result of the development and invention of electric, steam and petrol driven mechanism for production , the means of transport and communication and various mechanism appliances in everyday life. This advancement in terms of technology affects even institutions like family and a marriage

Biological factor

Biological factor too have some indirect influence upon social change. Among the sociological factors in the qualitative aspect of the population related to heredity. The qualitative aspect of the population is based upon powerful and great men and mutation. Hence, biological factor plays a part in social change to extent .In addition to this , the bioplogical principles of natural selection and struggle for survival are constantly produsing alterations in society.

Environmental Factor

Due to floods, earthquake, excessive rain, drought, change of season etc….We can find imba;lance in population which directly Affects the social relationship and these are modified by such natural occurrences. If we think about a person or an individual who is growing under the roof of a particular society and he lives among different kinds of people. So, the environment of society affects himself and as we know that an individual is a part of society who brings social change. Thus environment factor bring social change.

Psychological Factor

The cause of social change is the psychology of man himself. Man is by nature a lover of change. He is always trying tto discover discover new things in every sphere of his life and is always anxious for novel experiences. As a result of this tendensy traditions, customs, etc..of every human society are perpetually undergoing change.A human being is able to apply new customs and methods to replace the old traditional customs are being formed.Change is the law of life .when change do not occure at the appropriate time, revolutions take place, wars are fought , epidemics{situations in which a large number of people have caught the same infections diseases} spread and changes are violently introduced.

social change difinitions,characteristics

Unit-4 –D
Social change

Change is continuous and constant in everybody’s life. Every day comes with a change or every moment arrives with a change which is new for all the same as in society change is continuous and constant. and this change is known as social change because this change is social in nature that it means it occurs in society. E.g. change in people’s life-style, change in their behavior, attitude, way of living life, in their culture, tradition, values, set norms etc….So social change is the variation and modification in any aspect of social process, pattern of form.
1] “The basic fact of today is a tremendous phase of change in human life”
- Pandit Jawaharlal nehru

Here pandit Nehru is talking about change in human life. He tries to point out the necessity of change by using the word tremendous and he put emphasis on change must be needed in human life so that an individual / a human being can accept a change as a challenge in his life and he must learn how to cop up with change occur in his life and for this he must be flexible change in an individual’s life is a change in society because he is a part of society and the change occurs in his life would be a social change.
2] “Change in the social structure is social change”
- Maciver and Page
Maciver and Page point out change occurs in social structure. Change in social structure includes change in social rules and regulation, Social values, social organization, social beliefs, way of thinking of social beings etc. And if change occurs in all these then it becomes a social change. So according to Maciver and page social change is a change in social structure which changes the whole society.
3] “Social change is a term used to describe variations or modifications of any aspects of social processes, social patterns, social interaction or social organization”
- Sir James
Sir James is of the opinion that social change is nothing but change in social processes including rules and regulation, social values, social systems etc…..Change in social pattern that means a change in social structure which is based on social norms, values, traditions, culture etc. Change in social interaction that means change in social relations – a way of interaction –one person to another and finally change in social organization that means change in social institution, so social change describes variations in terms of social processes, social patterns, social interaction or social organization.
4] “Social change means that large number of persons are engaged in activities that differ from those in which they or their immediate forefathers engaged in sometime before”
- Merr and Eldredge
Merr and Eldredge put emphasis on social change as a continuous process which run from the existence of man to the present time and it will be run by future generation that means social change is dynamic and inevitable.
5] Johnson covers five kinds of changes under social change.
• Change in social values
• Instituonal change
• Change in distribution of possessions and rewards
• Change in personnel
• Change in abilities or attitudes of personnel.
That means social changes affect a wide range of individual experience and functional aspects of society.
Characteristics of social change
1] Social change is continuous and dynamic. As change occurs in everything, social change is inevitable. It is continuous since the existence of earth or animate things/people in society.
2] Social change occurs in everything and it involves all people,in all places and at all times which may be harmful or fruitful for all so social change is universal.
3] Social change is inevitable and it occurs in everywhere In order to cop-up with new changes or in order to bring novelty in society social change must be needed so so social change is compulsory. We cannot ignore changes that take place in society.
4] Social change is planned change because in order to uplift the society social change must be needed so people plan out many things to bring social changes in society for the development of society. eg Implementation of the five years plans in our country and other development schemes and programmes for fulfilling needs of people. Social change is also considered as unplanned change because society is affected by external and internal forces that means society is influenced by the needs of people ,their life style, norms etc…… so changes occurs in society become unplanned changes which are affected by people and their way of living .eg, Social changes is influenced by natural calamities fashions in society etc…So, social change is both planned and unplanned.5] Social change is purposive that means people brings change in society In our country in order to make others aware about harmful diseases ie.AI9DS,T.B,CANCER ETC.and for ht e village and community development people meet together and plan out some schemes or programmes which bring social change. That is why social change is purposive.

socialization definotions,characteristics

Unit 2 – c socialization

Socialization is the process by which a child learns to behave in a way that is acceptable in society. As we know a child begins to learn from his mother’s womb and as he grows up he learns so many things including how to behave, at which situation and when behave such a way how to live in society and thus he becomes a social being.

Socialization is a continues process of life-long process. A child is socialized by education, surroundings, social lifestyle in his family etc.

1. “The process whereby persons learn to behave dependently together for human welfare and in doing so experience, social control, social responsibility and balanced personality”
- Bogardus

Here Bogardus points out socialization as a continuous process where in a child learns how to behave in society. He learns how to live with rules and regulations and what is his responsibility as a social being in the society and he experiences various aspects of social life and in doing so he develops a balanced personality as a social being so in short socialization is a process which completely socializes a child and prepares him as a social being to live among society.

2. “Socialization is a process by which the individual is adapted to his social environment (by attending social conformity) and becomes a recognized, co-operating and efficient member of it.”

Drever is of the opinion that socialization is a process in which a child / an individual learns how to modify his social environment around him that means through the process of socialization he becomes aware about changes took place in society and he learns how to cop-up with change. And as a social being he is in a position to change some traditional, orthodoxy existed in the society. Socialization makes him aware about social norms, rights and makes him accountable, responsible and socially aware so that he decided his ultimate goal and contributes to the society.

3. “I value individual freedom but you must not forget that man is essentially a social being and socialization is a process of making a social being.”
Gandhiji put emphasis on an individual who is a part of society. Like education, socialization makes an individual a social being.

4. “Socialization and individualization are the two sides of ‘a single process’.
- MacIver

Here MacIver focuses on the process of socialization which is similar to individualization that means as an individual gets education and he learns from experiences, social climate of society, experiments done by him and become a productive citizen the same as socialization prepares an individual and turns an individual from a human being in to a social being so that MacIver considers socialization and individualization are the two sides of single process or two sides of the same coin.

Characteristics of Socialisation:

1. Socialization is a continuous process because and individual begins to socialization himself from his mother’s womb to the tomb that means as he educates himself from cradle to grave the same as a child begins to learn how to behave from his prenatal period up to his end so socialisation is also considers as a life- long process.

2. Socialisation is a natural, yet deliberate process. No doubt a child starts learning how to behave from his surrounding, experiences, observations but many times in his life he must learn how to behave professionally and as a good human being and at which condition. So he learns there things intentionally mean with his own interest he takes to socialize himself and be a perfect social being.

3. Socialisation is an unconscious and conscious process. It is an unconscious because a child is affected by his surroundings and he is socialized by the family and society but it is also decided as a conscious process because a child learns from education and his conformation with different kinds of people and he himself becomes aware about how to behave systematically with balanced mindset. So socialisation is both unconscious as well as conscious process thereby child socializes him.

4. Socialization is a process which prepares an individual as a worthy member of society. Through this process an individual becomes aware about society, its norms, cultural heritage, rules and regulation etc. To be a worthy social being is a motto of this process socialisation.

5. Socialisation moulds an individual and makes him socially aware so in a way it improves the society because an individual is a part of society and if every individual gets socialized then ultimately a society gets socialized. This process is affected by different agencies existed in society including school, media, family, community, peers etc. It provides a social exposure to an individual. So that an individual can flourish the roof of society that means he becomes a socially aware and he can experience social norms and customs only then and then he can express his ideas and innovative thoughts to change the traditions, beliefs inherent in society. He becomes an independent social being to select his roles as a son, as a brother, as a father etc. And he can make choices which are very importance in his life.
Qualities of Social being :

An individual who is living in a society willy-nilly turned into a social being and there are some important qualities which make a difference between an individual and a social being which are as under...

1. The foremost quality of a social being is an individual who must be socially aware that means he must know which are the set norms and customs exist in society, only then and then he becomes socially responsible social being.

2. A social being must have sense of accountability so that he can explain what he did, does and will do in respect to society and what the reasons behind his made decisions are.
3. A social being should have some set of values through which he can live with peace and harmony among others. Having set of values like love, devotion, co-operation, honesty etc. He can make himself inspirational social being.

4. A social being must have concern for others so that he can help others and live as a co-operation in the society.

5. A social being must be honest towards rules and regulations of the society and the nation.

6. A social being must be socially independent that means he as an individual must be able to take decisions and must be ready to face difficulties or social changes prevail in the society. They must have risk-taking ability and he should know the importance of adventure in his life “Nothing ventured anything gained.”

Education as a sub system of soiciety

Unit-4 B

Education as a sub - system of society

Education and society both are inter-related or inter-dependent because both mutually influence each other i.e. complimentary. Without education how we can build an ideal society and without society how can we organize education system systematically that means both are needed to understand. Education helps individuals to learn how to live, how to behave, how to organize everything in their lives so it is an agent which brings change in society or we can say in one line Education is a social change agent. Let us describe the influence of society on education.

1) Influence of social structure and ideals:
If society is well structured and have ideals than it automatically effects the education. Social structure is generally built in religion, the way of living life, philosophy of members of society, politics, economy and it has some good ideals which help every individual and contribute in society after all educationalist, experts and psychologist are coming from society who mould the education system and make it more practical full-fledged with technologies. So we can find many schools, colleges have different system of teaching and learning. If we compare Indian society with abroad countries societies than we can find the change in education system which is mainly based on social structure and ideals. If a society develops day by day, it automatically brings change in society and society affects education and its ultimate objective is to make productive individual which can be fulfilled on through education. E.g. as we find some schools are followed strict rules and regulation and they have their own ideals i.e. to live simply and follow the values including truth, non-violence, honesty etc.

2) Influence of political condition :
Society influence political conditions. The one who is political leader coming from society and he/she always followed the set ideals including democracy, equality and he has also some political ideas such as responsibilities, accountability, unity, integration of human being with values ideals etc. And with those ideals he governs particular area or state and as we know education is related to government. Being a part of it an individual affects the education system. So the political conditions of society bring changes in education system and as we know education helps an individual to achieve political education in society that is why it is said that education is a tool for achieving political education on society.

3) Influence of Economic condition :
As we know according to per capita income all citizens are categorised as upper-class, lower-class and middle class and as per their income they get education from granted and non-granted schools and there citizens will help the society or contribute in the society as per their income. They provide financial support to education. They invest their money in education field and make it concrete with facilities and resources. And thus the education promotes. For further studies many students immigrate in other country and government helps them. If a student who is coming from lower class we will go to abroad for further studies . Thus society’s economic conditions influence the education.

4) Influence of Religious Condition :
As we find many religious sects in society and they have their own institutions where in each religious sect strictly inform the students to follow the rules and regulation and ideals of particular sect. As per religion knowledge members of society contribute in the field of education. As we find the impact of religion in education society is built on various important values which are strictly inculcate via education. As per society, culture, moral ideals affect the education system and so in education we can find the impact of religion. The set ideals of society such as unity, democracy, and so on are there become of religion which are inculcated through education. And because of religion we can find various castes in society which automatically affect the education system.

5) Influence of social Thought :
Every individual has their own thoughts, ideology and beliefs and those thoughts, beliefs and ideologies are covered by culture of society. It is said that man is a social animal why? Because he lives in society and he has his own philosophy and ideology according to which he lives and so we see different educational system in different states and in different countries, so the social thought affect education.

6) Way of Thinking :
Every individual is thinking differently. Everyone has his own philosophy and ideology. The best example of this is the status of English today. Now it is thought from first standard in many schools the same as people migrate from one to another country. So the way of thinking helps in social mobility and it brings change in everything e.g. Today schools infrastructure, way of getting education etc.

7) Influence of Social changes :
As we know change provides everywhere or in everything the same as the society is changing day by day. The best example of this is nuclear family. Because of higher level of literacy today we can see the change in school system, or education system. Today in Indian society we can find English medium schools everywhere and the impact of technology in our life. That is why every society becomes a torch of change. In order to reach up to height of social changes skill based programmes, vocational courses are started in education system. As per the change in philosophical and sociological point of view the new syllabus or curriculum implemented in education and thus we also see the development of values.

To sum up, society provides a platform for education or contributes a lot in the education system.

Influence of Education on society

Education plays a very important role in moulding the character of an individual. It is one of the concrete sources from which one get information and knowledge. It affects the society. We can make sense of its effective role from the following points.

1] Preservation and transmission of our social, moral and cultural values.
In Education, through curriculum, students will be acquainted with social, moral and cultural values and teachers make them familiar with values and ideal through different activities, games, story-telling etc. Education makes them familiar with constitution, rules and regulations of citizens and so on. As we find in NPE 1986 major objectives to produce a productive citizen has been fulfilled by education so education preserves our value and it make others to imbibe those values.

2] Awakening of Social feelings
Through education individuals become aware about the importance of unity, love, fraternity and other values. Education makes all people get awakened of being a part of society and how they can contribute the world as society. People know different values and life skills and thus they develop concern for society including social mindedness, values life skills, learning to be, learning to do, learning to know, learning to live together via different activities story telling dramatization.

3] Political development of society
Education makes all aware about rights and duties of all, which are their responsibilities and duties so that they can develop their civic sense. Through different lesson of political leaders and stories education develop ideal leadership quality so that in future citizens can lead t e state as a society.

4] Economic development of society
Education develops skills in individual and makes him a productive citizen. Through education everyone learns how to earn money and as per their qualification he gets job or labour and on the whole with the help of education more or less everyone get work and earn money so due to increasing literacy per capita income will increase As we find govt take help in the form of tax and thus our economy develops. Because of education people migrate in other country and their earning helps to develop society, country. Thus education affects the economic development of society.

5] Social control
Education makes all aware about customs and duties the same as it makes aware about the rules and regulations as we find the rules in Indian constitution. People know how to preserve their lives via education. They make also familiar with crimes. Thus education provides a guideline and it controls all society.

6] Social changes and reforms
Education makes individuals perfects and aware about the rights. So can claim against dwelled superstitions, beliefs which are harmful for them. Through education everyone learn grow to live and how to save from difficulty and how to inculcate values and ideals in their lives and ideals in their lives so they can appeal in court having of felling injustice. Education makes all aware about how to live peacefully and how to face difficulties ion their lives .They become aware about the proverbs like ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’ so they develop their risk taking attitudes via education.

7] Socialization of a child
Education trains the mind of a child and it teaches him how to inculcate values in his life. It makes the child understand what is society, how he is a part of society, what are his roles in society, how he should behave, how he should interact with others etc. Education helps him to understand who is he? And it develops a sense if a social being in him. In short education socializes a child.

Thus, education produces productive citizens it helps everyone how to flourish and makes them ideal citizens of society. To sum up, Education influences the society.

Unit 4
Nature of Indian society
Indian society has its own uniqueness in terms of beliefs, traditions, customs, constitutional right, norms, religion ,castes etc…Every society has its own history. It inherits something from its past and that influences its present the same as Indian society has its own history .In order to understand Indian society we should comprehend every aspects of Indian society including its social structure, caste structure, economy, Stratification etc. one by one which are as under.
1] Social structure
The social structure of traditional society was based mainly on the hereditary principle. The members were divided in to hereditary caste groups each with its traditional occupation. People were living together under some roof that means there were living in joint family system. In the ancient period of Indian history, people wanted to attain self realization it was their spiritual goal, and the Indian society is an agriculture society. Agriculture was the main profession in ancient Indian society .Religion has been playing an important role in Indian society. In the democratic Indian society Secularism also become an important part wherein we everyone is free follow his own religion. The forces of modernizations have tended to break the traditional Indian joint family and today we can not find the orthodox nature of Indian society excepting few villages.
2] Caste based structure
The Indian society has differentiated in to hierarchical social order of several castes. The classification of castes in Hinduism mainly based on the hierarchical social order of castes- Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and sudra arranged in a descending order of status. Members in each caste –group followed the same hereditary occupation and were socio economically homogeneous and the members of each caste should marry in their own caste. Even though there was caste stratification, people took education from different schools. The class stratification is found even now in almost every Indian community but the rigidity varies from community. We notice the decreasing rigidity in terms of caste everybody’s upliftment only because of education .today no doubt castes inherits in community though people are living together and develop themselves.

3] Multi religious
Indian society is a multi-religious society and every religion has its own importance in Indian society. Indian society is an amalgam of different religious including Hindu, muslim, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhis, Jains, Parsi etc…And all these religious are tied by the thread of democracy and all are living together in harmony and enrich the Indian society.
4] Unilingual or Multilingual society
Indian society is multi cultural society because Indian society accepted every religions and their culture so people have different languages as per their culture. Eg. Hindus speaking Gujarati, a Muslim is speaking Hindi A Bengali has his own Bengali language etc. So Indian society became multilingual society but there is a common language for mutual communication between all i.e. Hindi which is a national language of Indian society .Now English language becomes a link language which joins the people of different states. E.g. Every Indian has at least three or four language skills
5] Multi-cultural society
In Indian society different religious, linguistic, caste, and class groups have their own culture eg along with Indian culture, Gujarati and Marathi cultures, Hindu and Muslim cultures, urban and rural cultures upper and middle class cultures etc. exist in Indian society is multi cultural society and heterogeneous society in terms of heterogeneous cultures exist in it. Although all are living with harmony and peace.
6] Democratic society
Indian society is democratic society wherein everyone has an equal right to live in society. Everyone is free to follow any religion she/he likes. The system, of government of India is democratic in which all the people of a country can vote to elect their representatives through Indian society is multi cultural all are following the rules and regulations of Indian society and live together.
Justice, equality, brotherhood and liberty are the four pillars of Indian constitution and one should know there four values in order to understand Indian democracy.
7] Developing Economy
In the ancient time, the economy of Indian society was a simple and subsistence economy because it was agricultural society, so everyone’s earning was mainly based on agricultural, Handicrafts, and small trade. The production of the goods and serviced was mainly for the consumption and not for the market. As the time passes Indian economy develop day by day. Modern Indian society is a developing society with the help of developed science and terchnology, economy has become a large scale economy with rural-urban and national as well as international lineages. today we see the impact of liberalisation ,privatization and globalisation on Indian economy and because of this we find the expansion in trade and commerce and business.
8] Status of women
In ancient Indian society women were considered as second sex and their status was lower than that of man. Women only played a role of a housewife and took care of their children, Husband and other family members. In family parents gave more importance to males and they opposed to send their daughters to school after they have reach the age of puberty. They believed that women are born only for playing the role of housewife.
They give first preference to their male children/ sons. In every activities men were lagging behind because of rigid beliefs existed in ancient Indian society. IN modern Indian society, a good deal of change occurred .Now women are as equal as males. The best example of it is –along with the co-educational institutions, the schools and colleges for only girls have come in to existence. Ion family women have given important place as a mother and as a daughter. She gets higher education and she has been able to enter in to spheres of occupational activities. And in many field women play a role as a role model for alleg Kiran Bedi, an honourable public Inspector.
9] Educational heritage
In ancient Indian society, there was Gurukul system of education. Students got education in ashrams and they lived in huts along with their guru. Guru was considered as their teacher and they were called as Shishyas four or five years of their age they went to take education in ashrams and they got education almost 19 or 20 years then they returned to their home. This was the main system of ancient India but after the arrival of britishers and under their authority the ancient ashrams turned in to open schools and students got the formal education in school. After ruined of bitishers

Dimensions of society

Dimension of Society

1. Cultural Dimension:
Culture affects the society. Every society has its own culture and it is based on some rules and regulation. Members of society decide moral values which are to be followed by all in society. As we know people know by their culture. So it becomes very important in society. Which helps in decide every people ideas in their lives and it creates new ideas also. So we can not separate culture from society because they are inter-related.

2. Religion:
Religion provides guideline is a society. People believe in different society though they are living together because they know the value of unity. Religion makes them aware about no difference between men of different religions. It helps in set goals and ideas of people in society. Religion helps people in decide philosophy in their lives and its become societies philosophy. People construct beliefs, thoughts with the help of religion and thus it helps in building spiritual society. Religion makes them familiar with how to live and how to behave with others and it provides knowledge about life and major difference between moksh and living life. So religion influences the society and it contributes in the development of the society.

3. Economy:
Economy measures the standard of living. As per the capita income or individuals’ income society is constructed e.g. as we find upper class, middle class and lower class societies. People live per their income so their requirements are fulfilled only if they earn as per their requirements and savings. Thus economy decides class in society and it contributes to the development of society. E.g. the enlistment of information technology in our society. We make people’s live luxurious life with other technologies.

4. Politics :
Politics is also one of the important dimensions which governs society. Politics frame rules and regulations of different societies. Politics helps people is get comfort in their lives. Every political leader has an aim of service to the people. Politics maintains unity in society. And sometimes it plays an important role in division of country. On the while politics govern on country in which there are different societies and it is there for the welfare of the people who dwell in society. So politics also affects the society and a political leader is coming from a society, who does service for others.

5. Education:
Education plays a major role in building society. Everyone gets education for survival and they learn how to behave, how to live, how to adjust themselves in society. Education nurtures in them all language skills, social skills. People get knowledge only from education and so they are different way of thinking creatively etc. Education changes people’s mind and so they live with different norms, culture, traditions, beliefs and thus society become dynamics. Education makes people aware how to live, how to inculcate values, how to manage everything and so people correspond with each other and expand their relations in different cultures. Thus they are come in contact with the whole nation. So education is the basic thing to live life for the people and its contributes in one and all factors of society, and gives society a different outlook. It covers everything and moulds people life.


{All dimensions are inter-related (one to one correspondence)}

concept,definitions and characteristics

Education and society
Concept of Society
Society where people in general living together in communities .They have same life-style, attitude, heritage, common aim, norm, and religion. We are living in a particular society where in we follow rules and regulations, and customs. We have our own purpose, set of aims, religion. We know that a group of people living together is also a society. It does not matter that they have different religion, beliefs and purposes.
1] Happies
“A society is a kind of community whose members have become social;ly consciouis of their mode of life and united by common sets of aims and values.
Brief exp
Here Happies considers society as a community where in people are aware about their way of living life. They are socially integrated and they have common aims and values Although they are different in nature and thought they are united and their integration is nothing but society.
2] Makiver
“Society is the web of social relation ship and it is always changing”
Brief exp
As we know in a society, every member have relation with others and so they live together .And there are many relations like friend brother and sister, uncle which tie people emotionally as well as socially. But these relations are changing because of people‘s different thinking and having different values and aim. But they live together in a form of society so that makiver called society as the web of social relationships.
Characteristics of society
1] In society we can find commonness in terms of peoples understanding, their aims, their life style and responsibilities.
2] A society is based on social relationship so people live together in communities there are social rules and regulations which should be followed by all members of society.
3] There is a sense of belongingness between members of society. They live together with a sense of oneness. So unity is the major characteristic of a society as the proverb suggests birds of a feathered flock together.
4. In a society people live with the feeling co- operate that means they co- operate others and help others.
5. Division of labors and social rules.
Ina society everyone has a particular duty to perform as per his level, caste and education, eg, sweepers usually clean the streets. So we can find assigning duties or job or work.
6. Diversity: As it said unity in diversity yes it is there in Indian society. People of different religion, culture live together a society but we can also find divertsity in terms of different values, beliefs, life styles and language economy etc. though we are united in diversity.
7. Dynamic: As life is dynamic everything change in society one generation after another generation. So there is change in everything including life style economy language culture way of believing in god different religions, economy and so on .So society is dynamic .
8. Competition: Various types of competition has beeen found in society every field oif survival in the society.
9. Conflict: There are conflict lie in between two neighbors, or for the requirements of justice there are conflicts both positive and negative . eg environmental organization and global warming are the universal conflict for all societies.