Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Factors responsible for social change

Factors responsible for social change
Social changes are caused by several factors including war, flood. Earthquake, population, education environment man himself etc.Following are the factors which describes how they influence social change
1] Demographic factors
Due to natural calamities ,war ,diseases and environmental changes we can find imbalance ratio of males and females in population which directly affect social changes because if the ratio of males and females is changed then many males and females will remain unmarried.so this change changes social structure therefore we can find the expansion in crimes and change in people’s life .eg large numbers of young male soldiers died in Europe during World war 2 so the number of girls and women increased over the existing numbers of males and this lead to moral deterioration and sexual permissiveness throught the Europe. Another example is the current raio of males and females in India which affect our society. And this unbalanced ratio also affects the economic factor of the nation. Because of climatic changes we can also find imbalance in the ratio of males and females which definitely affect social changes occur in the present society.
2] Political factors
Society is based on rules and regulations ,customs which are built or prepared by govt. so politics affects the society.Govt.is made of different kinds of people who are educated or uneducated but the ultimate aim o f them as upliftment of society. So these political leaders are products of society. As any political party or person change something in state or contributes in changing in something in society which definitely brings a social change.eg The impact of World War-2, Rule of Nazi dictator Hitler in germany , partitions of India in 1947 have brought about several social changes in the respective societies. So, we can also say that man himself brings social change because he is a social being or a part of society. And in a way education plays an important role behind an individual and politics and it also brings social changes.
3] Economic Factors
As the condition of an individual affects the society the same as everybody’s economy affect challenges. The stratification of people in different class moulds the nature of society and as per their educational qualification they live together behave and they make them socially aware and earn money which help society the same as their economy influences social changes including changes in their way of living ,way of interaction ,culture ,routine life, languages etcThe best example is the emergence of English in middle class society. People’s invention, discoveries and their migration lead changes in economy likewise they bring social change in society. Like poverty, the gren revolution and large amount of money earned by Indians from abroad certainly bring a lot of social change in their behavior, relations, spending patterns, intuitions and outlook of the world.
4] Industrial factors
Like establishment of industrial township ,urbanization and trade unionism are responsible for several kinds of social changes the lives of people concerned we can find the impact of liberalization ,privatization and globalization after the establishment of industrialization in most of the countries in the world and such factors influences the economy of the country which lead change in per capita income and all these affect social changes.
5] Scientific Technological Inventions and Discoveries
As we know the impact of scientific technological inventions and discoveries in the societies. Today in the world of technology none of us live without using mobiles, phones, computers, electricity, radio, t.v, etc…
And these inventions and discoveries have completely changed our style of living , modes of thinking social relations and even morals. Behind these inventions and discoverious, human beings intellect, creativity and their aspiration play very significant role so we can say men’ desire of striving for excellence, creativity, education bring social changes. such scientific development leads social changes.
6] Social and cultural factors
Every individuals culture, social beliefs, value system, social rules and regulations etc. lead social changes.like fashions ,womens’sliberation movement and satyagrahas definetly cause lot immense of social change in diverse directions.
According to prof. premnath following are the factors responsible for social changes
1] Geographical factors – natural disaster – migration of people
2] Environmental factor
3] Population demographic factor
4] War
5] Psychological sociological factors - man , Education, , striving for excellence ,creativity
6] Technological factors – inventions, Discoveries
7] Ideological factors culture, man
8] Economic factors
9] Biological factors – man

Technological factors

The technological sfactors have immense influence in social change.
The form of society is undergoing change as a result of the development and invention of electric, steam and petrol driven mechanism for production , the means of transport and communication and various mechanism appliances in everyday life. This advancement in terms of technology affects even institutions like family and a marriage

Biological factor

Biological factor too have some indirect influence upon social change. Among the sociological factors in the qualitative aspect of the population related to heredity. The qualitative aspect of the population is based upon powerful and great men and mutation. Hence, biological factor plays a part in social change to extent .In addition to this , the bioplogical principles of natural selection and struggle for survival are constantly produsing alterations in society.

Environmental Factor

Due to floods, earthquake, excessive rain, drought, change of season etc….We can find imba;lance in population which directly Affects the social relationship and these are modified by such natural occurrences. If we think about a person or an individual who is growing under the roof of a particular society and he lives among different kinds of people. So, the environment of society affects himself and as we know that an individual is a part of society who brings social change. Thus environment factor bring social change.

Psychological Factor

The cause of social change is the psychology of man himself. Man is by nature a lover of change. He is always trying tto discover discover new things in every sphere of his life and is always anxious for novel experiences. As a result of this tendensy traditions, customs, etc..of every human society are perpetually undergoing change.A human being is able to apply new customs and methods to replace the old traditional customs are being formed.Change is the law of life .when change do not occure at the appropriate time, revolutions take place, wars are fought , epidemics{situations in which a large number of people have caught the same infections diseases} spread and changes are violently introduced.