Tuesday, February 16, 2010

concept,definitions and characteristics

Education and society
Concept of Society
Society where people in general living together in communities .They have same life-style, attitude, heritage, common aim, norm, and religion. We are living in a particular society where in we follow rules and regulations, and customs. We have our own purpose, set of aims, religion. We know that a group of people living together is also a society. It does not matter that they have different religion, beliefs and purposes.
1] Happies
“A society is a kind of community whose members have become social;ly consciouis of their mode of life and united by common sets of aims and values.
Brief exp
Here Happies considers society as a community where in people are aware about their way of living life. They are socially integrated and they have common aims and values Although they are different in nature and thought they are united and their integration is nothing but society.
2] Makiver
“Society is the web of social relation ship and it is always changing”
Brief exp
As we know in a society, every member have relation with others and so they live together .And there are many relations like friend brother and sister, uncle which tie people emotionally as well as socially. But these relations are changing because of people‘s different thinking and having different values and aim. But they live together in a form of society so that makiver called society as the web of social relationships.
Characteristics of society
1] In society we can find commonness in terms of peoples understanding, their aims, their life style and responsibilities.
2] A society is based on social relationship so people live together in communities there are social rules and regulations which should be followed by all members of society.
3] There is a sense of belongingness between members of society. They live together with a sense of oneness. So unity is the major characteristic of a society as the proverb suggests birds of a feathered flock together.
4. In a society people live with the feeling co- operate that means they co- operate others and help others.
5. Division of labors and social rules.
Ina society everyone has a particular duty to perform as per his level, caste and education, eg, sweepers usually clean the streets. So we can find assigning duties or job or work.
6. Diversity: As it said unity in diversity yes it is there in Indian society. People of different religion, culture live together a society but we can also find divertsity in terms of different values, beliefs, life styles and language economy etc. though we are united in diversity.
7. Dynamic: As life is dynamic everything change in society one generation after another generation. So there is change in everything including life style economy language culture way of believing in god different religions, economy and so on .So society is dynamic .
8. Competition: Various types of competition has beeen found in society every field oif survival in the society.
9. Conflict: There are conflict lie in between two neighbors, or for the requirements of justice etc..so there are conflicts both positive and negative . eg environmental organization and global warming are the universal conflict for all societies.

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